Wanting to help a zebra danio by letting it live in my 2.5 shrimp tank, worried about my 5 shrimp tho... 1st pic is my aquarium, 2nd is a comparison of the zebra I want to save and a unbullied one
How long does it take y'all to see the shrimp in this pic? (Bad pic sorry)
Went to the store with 60$ today, bought a LOT of plants for my Betta tank and my shrimp tank, what do y'all think? I tried my best to plant them...
Just added a Lot of plants to my shrimp tank, How does it look?
No one understands my obsession, but you guys get it.. right?
Here's the Zebra Danio I'm going to save from a life of bullying, can his fins regrow? (Left pic is the danio I'm saving, right is a comparison)
Got a 2.5 gallon tank, 2 ghost shrimp in it right now, what are your recommendations to keep it going strong?
Zebra danio rehabilitation
Why is my Gourami so shy?
I'm going to a local pet store today, wanted to know if I shoud pick anything up while I'm there for either my Betta in my 20 g or my shrimps in my 2.5
Y'all whats the best tank for my betta?
Going to a local store with $25...
Visited a pet store today
Honestly, can you keep any fish in a 2.5, or are all pet stores scamming people?
My tank
Happens to the best of us
what yall think?
Turned off comments 😭🙏💀 bro cant handle the truth
Found this.
Balanced on hopes and dreams...
Would this tank be okay for shrimps?
her babyes are 1 WEEK old and she is pregnant AGAIN
The stand-off
Everynight before bed they always do this 😭
Do pet stores count?