Has anyone ever gotten a Down as Overhaul using his Special Action?
your plus ultras mean nothing to me
There's new nejire voice lines, a bug or something
I will never solo que again
33rd judgement, an entertaining trial
Who's the wise guy who named him DinnerBone Huh 🗣️🔥?!
Oh uh okay
Sometimes the one singular box isn’t worth your life man
MHUR players when you dare to criticize the slightest thing about their main
Endeavor Quirk Skill Set Jet Burn (Concept)
YOOOO! What is this DOG WATER ASS GAME!?!?
Is it just me, or does anyone find Mr. Compress's finisher to be the funniest finisher ever?
What your My Hero Ultra Rumble main says about you! (Part 2)
I don’t mean to be toxic, rude, or anything, BUT COME ON!!!!!
It's one thing to hate a skillset, but it's another to hate the person playing the skillset.
It hurts so damn much (The Universe Is Protecting This Man)
I keep getting spam reported and it is proving my point about full bullet being overhated😭😭😭
PSA from the best moderater (and the others too, I guess): Don't abuse the report button.
I want to talk about this...
The meanest combo I've ever been in. And its all my fault
What's the point of Twice being a rapid if he can't even catch up to a Nejire?
5 of my 10 pull were “That’s The Point” emotes.