Guys, I got banned from r/FundamentalPaperEdu😔😔😔.
Some very very old art requests... (Read Description)
What if Alice Fought The Windman?
What Happened To All My Structures???💀
Why is every au version of Thavel so hot??
Would you date miss Grace?
"Hi there, would you like to help with my FPE au?, It's called: "Fundamental DOOM Education"
Poorly-Drawn FPE Characters (Without a style pen and without a left handed.)
Two male teachers have been fired.
*Procedes to FPE but in the napoleonic era remasterd*
Ring around the rosie.....
mr demi calling miss emily
You better run squirrel.
My hand one hour into December 1
Umm, guys??
do you agree?
Trans Problem.
¿Cual es vuestra au favorita de Fundamental Paper educatión?
What is this joke
This in just so nasty!
What’s your headcannons for Mister Kinetic?
(page 1) nashiki: come on Chaman it's going to be super funny we're going to have fun. Chaman: ok just to please you I'll play with you one last time. (page 2) nashiki: one last time...