Who has a bigger kill-count?
Who has the best chance of a redemptive ending in season 5?
How is it that when homelander lasered stormfront, it didn't do shit to her, yet when ryan (who's far weaker and less experienced than him) lasered her, it completely fried her
So, the whole thing in that phsychatric hospital with all those supes that were trained by lamplighter, was stormfront behind this? was this part of her plan to create am army of supes to start a war?
Who is your favorite character in the boys? mine's annie/starlight.
Antony Starr won Best Supporting Actor at the Saturn Awards last night
Could Cruella have regained her ability to kill without the author's help?
Would Ryan still stick with homelander even after grace mallory told him of what he's done?
What was homelander's most detestable and infuriating moment?
Your thoughts and opinions on Grace Mallory
Who is the most evil?
The Supe Animals were the scariest thing in the show. change my mind
Which of these characters will be the most dangerous if was injected with compound v and was given superpowers?
Which of these 3 is the best villain?
Here's a funny crossover idea. what do you think will happen if the characters from both of these shows will meet up?
they literally showed us a-trains toe sucking fetish not too far into the show and never brought it up again 🙏😭😭😭😭
Could Homelander destroy an entire city or even the world?
In today's episode of "Was this character created by Marvel/DC or was it made for as a parody for The Boys?"
What was your favorite subplot in season 4?
Favorite newcomer of season 4?
There is one Subreddit that won't let me post. how do i solve this?
These two should've died in these scenes
Can anyone else not f***ing stand Nina or is it just me?
Name a fictional character more evil than Homelander
Did Stormfront genuinely love Homelander or was she just using him?