CHROMAKOPIA ranked based on how much I feel the songs compare to Rusty
"You problably listen to artists similar to Laufey right?"
“My team is original” the team:
my first time packing any toty during the promo since FUT 21, best toty for rtg’s imo
Is there a limit on how high the number can get in the Mettaton quiz?
If you could hear Laufey cover any song, which would you choose?
EA tweet - Compensation if you packed Haaland
Theater songs with multiple parts that play on top of each other towards the end
I don’t even play Fortnite and I’m still buying that emote
I started playing DDR May this year after discovering a cab in a local arcade, wanted to share my progress.
83x10 repeatable x3
I made these 2 meme (take them)
a very special arrival today 💚❤️
What song has Laufey's best vocal performance on the song?
cleaned my ashtray yall
Disappointed in how Christmas Magic was barely played in Red One
The oldest fortnite battle pass ever
if we are still posting wraps
Uhh... What do I use these thangs for?
Long songs that aren’t experimental
hehe this was my top song!!
What is your favorite UI song wheel DDR AC? Mine is DDR 2014
I’m actually gonna lose the plot if this happens again
if this doesn’t get released during new years i’m going to riot