One word.
and he only 19 🙏🏻
What stops you from calling this man the greatest rapper ever ?
Gun to your head: Sing one Kanye song perfectly, what are you choosing ?
I was told to post this here instead so…what is it?
Oh no
Who would win
Which Tyler song would win in a fight
What's what one song that u skipped for no reason but you decided to hear it and now you love it
Kanye to yo dih name 3 death grips songs
Listening to these 2 rn i was waiting for sea sides but this is what we got😭
Bendy plush
kanye taking a shower
Rename your favorite Tyler, the Creator song into a clickbait YouTube title
Rename your favorite AM song into a clickbait YouTube title
tell me your fave BATIM character…
Rename your favorite Kendrick Lamar song into a clickbait YouTube title
Two Words
What is Kendrick Lamar's scariest song? Most upvoted comment gets added
Drop the most painful lyrics you’ve ever heard
One Word.
Gimme ships to draw, I’m fucking bored
What is your Kanye West “deep cut?”
What is your Eminem “deep cut?”
Who wants to be a mod
Kanyeyaoi is now up
Cherri bomb x Flower girl