Tell me you have a toddler without telling me you have a toddler.
Saving myWIP...
What do kiddos call the caregiver partner that isn't dad/mom?
I wasn’t prepared for this
My 2 year old wants coffee, what can I give her and call coffee?
The BP cuff isn't supposed to hurt...
Been told by the Dr there is no medication?
Black specks of dirt
what are the weirdest/funniest things your OCD has caused you to do?
What forbidden thing has your toddler eaten?
Drawing on DIY t-shirt comes right off
Please give me the patience...
Residue in toilets
How many comorbidities have you collected?
My body decided sleep is overrated.
Has your toddler ever done something so outlandishly naughty that you just didn't know how to react
How old is everyone and how old were you when you were diagnosed?
2.5 year old tantrums any time he doesn’t get his way…literally ANY time
The eye-opening questionnaire
Things my fiancé says in his sleep that I started documenting
Vomit on stairs with carpet
Wife Wants Kids With Both Me and Meta
Starting to UfMH today
11m has no confidence
Washing machine leaving brown soap residue on clothes. Tried self clean cycle. Can I fix or do I need a new washer?