Had to post this ..
ADAS - forward auto braking
Vintage Adidas
Help me choose
Culture Circle - Won't ever order from them again in my life !
Need suggestions on a good shoe cleaning kit & protection spray for suede sneakers. Please help🙏🏻
How do you guys clean suede leather on sneakers ?
Punjabi drift
Pro tip of the day.
Is this even original Puma?
New colours Speedcats
Is it worth it?
MG Windsor crash
What’s the Cleverest Cost-Cutting by Car Manufacturers?
Looks like someone's in the wrong lane coming straight at the driver,upon getting closer turns out its driving with reverse lights turned on
It took me a while to realise that it is not a car moving towards me on my lane.
Suggest me some good black/dark sneakers!
Which one's better? Looking to buy a green one
I was given an old wide 300 with a bunch of film that expired back in 2019. I love the yellowish tint to the film.
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Everest Rock Watch. Has anyone bought one ?
Money not an issue , choose your 3 car garage