What I think was my best look
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
(18) vs (32) Relentlessly Bullied in High School!
What’s the longest you’ve been alone/single?
How do people take Mike Israetel seriously as a bodybuilding coach?
What Self-Improving advice that actually worked for you?
jobs for a young schizoid
How do you cope with having worse genetics than your friends and looking worse
What do you do when you stuck and plateau on Bench Press for months?
How do some people have so much energy all the time?
Do you love your mom?
I want to lose a little bit of weight without tracking calories. Please help.
If I want quickest and maximum strength gains in a certain lift, does doing 8-10 reps to failure work as much as 3-5 reps to failure?
my boyfriend is so incompetent at everything and losing it
"Just do it." is ridiculous advice.
Why can’t I just exercise? Why am I such a piece of shit
I have 100 years at most to live but only 20 years (if I’m lucky) to enjoy it.
I cancelled an interview with a dream company because in couldn't bare the anxiety leading up to the interview
Why do I always feel like I’m talking to dumb people?
Tips on clean bulking
Routine Thoughts?
How to bulk up without risking diabetes?
This Sub has become so annoying! Bulk or cut? How do Iose stomach fat? What body fat % am I?
Schizoid parenting
How do I change my mindset?