Matan talks to Callen about The Reddit
Bapa has listed their house for sale. Teggsis is happening.
Imagine having to smell a midgets armpits to stay in his good books….
Bapa thoughts
"That's enough of the comedy talk, boys" - the dog
Wes Watson Beats Mentally Handicapped Man Who's Not Fighting Back - Hope He Rots In Prison
Schaub Delusional About Logan Paul/Mcgregor
DAZN refund page. Scumbags
Not the thiccc boy mma content creator of the year falling for the most obvious fake tweet
The most untalented sport in the world apparently….
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal
Talmbout bbbill-yuns b?
Joe, the bastion of integrity
The hungry wolf’s new special is worse than gringo papi.
Without Joe Rogan would the UFC be what it is today? 🤔
He finally admits to doing zairo work on his cars.
Bapa still has contacts for 7 tickets for the squad
Numbers guy hair discusses how many people really watched the fight on neggflix
Be a HAWK never a DUCK
The big news is another dog that will likely get GADOOSHED after a week. Water weed dune??
On-reel introduction to the Gambred Card
Prophetic fight prediction from the thiccboy MMA analyst of the year 2002
Is this the worst viewed Rogan podcast of all time?
Pur boi Marg looked crazy even back then
Brine’s wey off hir. I’m Australian and it’s pronounced Can-bruh. If Brine wus really nolejabull he’d git the right pronounce a nations.