Give my collection a rating 1-10
70h newbie
Who has the most sedating powder?
PS or BX?
Which tabs have best euphoria/energy, less sedation?
Vision issues with use - anyone else?
What tabs are your go to?
Which vendor gives you the best bang for your buck?
Anyone had this?
Demon Time 😈 Stop sleeping & get locked in with us‼️ Comment Dm for 3 day FREE trial & exclusive discount on membership✅
Thai tabs
Are these legit?
Opia is 🔥🔥🔥
What’s the highest dose you’ve ever taken at once?
7-oh Powder vs Alkaloid Tablets?
OE 50MG Tablets NOT 50 MG!
Just ordered my OE 50mg strawberry tarts!!!
Best Opia Tabs?
OE vs 0Pi4 or 7⭐️
OE vs 0PiA or 7⭐️
Another Decent Smoke Shop Brand
Opinions: Best 7OH for energy, best for pain, & best for sedation?