Who Are The Most Thoroughly “Mid” Artists In Music?
[REQ] $50 repay $65 2/6 (PayPal)
Mike Patton is wild. This may be the funniest moment in the history of music concerts.
Worst band to make it to the mainstream?
What band has done the most damage to their reputation by reforming?
Who Is This Highly Meme’d Woman?
[REQ] $300 USD repay $400 1/16 (PayPal, Venmo)
What's a musical "hot take" you're absolutely bored of?
[req] $125 USD repay $150 NOV 27 DEC 11 (PayPal, Venmo)
[REQ] $250, repay $300 split on September 11th/September 25th (Bloomfield, NJ) (Venmo, PayPal)
[REQ] $300, repay $350 split on August 21st/September 4th (Bloomfield, NJ) (Venmo)
Artists Whose Debut.. Kinda Sucked?
[REQ] $250, repay $310 on July 10/July 24th (Bloomfield, NJ) (Venmo)
[REQ] $100, repay $125 on June 26th (Bloomfield, NJ) (Venmo)
[REQ] $100, repay $125 (Bloomfield, NJ) (Venmo)
[REQ] $150, repay $200 on June 12, 2024 and June 26, 2024 (Bloomfield, NJ) (Venmo)
[REQ] $250, repay $310 on May 15th, 2024 (Bloomfield, NJ) (Venmo)
Pearl Jam asked Bill Clinton to take on Ticketmaster 30 years ago
Cell Phone Bill Help (Straight Talk - $35)
Goddamn I Love This Band
What's the UGLIEST song you've ever heard?
One Hit Wonders Who Never Get CALLED One Hit Wonders
Who would you consider to be the “Secret Weapon” in a band?
Most aggressive/hardest strokes songs?