AITA if I file a loss on my taxes
The election has claimed yet another victim (long vent)
Male - is it my photos or my bio?
Texting my boyfriend half asleep
How do you respond to this?
Update learned the lesson the hard way.
Is he for real?
How would you react to this message?
AITA for telling the other woman her boyfriend is cheating on her?
AITA for telling the other woman about me?
Stalked too hard and found out that my bumble match has a girlfriend
Is it common for someone who was cheating to blame the person they cheated with if they didn’t know and don’t want to get caught?
AITA Update: Found out my FWB has been dating this person for a year and didn’t plan to tell me.
AITA for telling the other woman that her boyfriend is having sex with me?
AITA for confronting someone I thought was a close friend and FWB about a bunch of lies that came to light recently?
AITA for telling my husband either he comes home or I'm done?
AITA for telling Dad his wife can’t be called Grandma?
AITA for asking a girl “what’s her highest level of education”?
AITA help and debt increasing