Whats the best gear i can get at this point
It’s true isn’t it
Idk made it in 10 min
[Rearranged] where should i use these keys
Question: what the restrictions on the cloud gaming
Well? Answer Her! Tell Her Why!
The Best Secret Room is Well of Health Room! Next is Best Trap! Most upvoted comment is the winner. The results will be posted 24hrs from now!
The winner of Best Boss Fight is Tengu! Next is Best NPC! Most upvoated comment is the winner. The results will be posted 24hrs from now!
Hello fellas dungeoneers! The Shattered Pixel Dungeon Awards is here! First is Best Hero! Most upvoated comment is the Winner. The results will be posted 24hrs from now!
[title in picture] what site has good translation
I don't need these either
How to not fuck this up
"you not become a pro when you beat the game. You become a pro when you ..." And finish the sentence in the comments.
Whats the max wards i can put ?
I did it! And I even got a little rat party!
Is based deep conditioner worth it
I fell and it doesn't seem good
Op combination
What is wrong with this studio
What is this
You don't need a potion of leviatation after tengu?!
I suck, help me.