do tri-axle buses have all 4 wheels powered at the back or just 2 and the other 2 help stabilize/turn the longer bus?
Who is he? Wrong answers only
are police aloud to take your vape if your over 18 in australia?
how to start lifting weights and burning calories
Anyone know what causes a random dent in the leg that won’t go away?
They brought back the og scarlet defender icon, has anyone noticed?
Why is food insanely expensive?
Does secret neighbour have ai computer players?
Fortnite is unplayable
They should make the yiga clan hideout respawn after the naboris mission
Does surgery feel like 1 second after you go under anesthesia?
Whats your faviroute monster in botw? Mine is the good old red boko
Do you guys play realistic?
is corded or cordless mowers stronger?
OG now has 88 bots minimum 💀
just finished my first build is it good?
What do u think is the fastest way devs can revive stw
What is the best console to play Bugsnax on?
What skin do you main?
What reload map do y'all prefer
Is it possible to add multiple "pages" to a stream deck mini?
When I get up james p sullivan is in my roon
Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? Why?
should i get a elgato mini stream deck even though i dont stream?
How painful is a nasal endoscopy?