How much money do you currently have in total?
Do you agree to donate your organs for transplantation after death?
[E] testing
[Q] testing if i can post on here
2000 ISK
The biggest criminal of humanity?
How are Icelandic adresses spelt out?
In what economic sector are you planning to work?
Are you a populist?
Do you live in a farm or city and what´re your political ideologies?
What quality is this banknote?
Can anyone quality check this banknote?
Do we put dot inside a quote or after it?
If abbreviation ends a sentence, do I have to add punctuation mark?
How can I get ALL Sanepid regulations?
Do you think there should be sex education classes in schools?
Föll in Icelandic
Problem with n and nn
Would you allow a registered sex offender to babysit your kids?
What are the most important reasons you want to have children?
How do you rate your mental resilience on a scale of 1 to 5?
Do you work?
What are "stuðlar" and "höfuðstafur" in a poem?
What level are you on?
How many square feet is the house/property that you live in?