Ethan's World | What if FDR chose a charismatic fictional politician as his running mate?
What if Jimmy Carter was born to the Confederate immigrants in Brazil?
Svenska Amerika | 1788 and 1824 US elections if America was colonized by sweden and became a monarchy after independence
Jewel of the Atlantic | 2024 presidential election in the Republic of Atlantis, a South Atlantic archipelago nation.
Para Unir o Brasil | What if Geraldo Alckmin ran for President in 2014?
City of the World's Desire | Latest elections in an independent Newfoundland and Labrador
Korean, Czechslovak, and Baltic elections in an alternate world
2025 South Korea presidential election
What if 2024 was the first UK general election under proportional representation? (Might make this a series)
What if a constitutional amendment to abolish the United States Electoral College was sent to the states for ratification in 1869 and ratified in 1879?
I have an idea
Electoral Systems #3
United States with Romanian politics: 2024 presidential election (before the results were annuled)
Counties carried by Todd Edwards on his 2024 independent campaign, results in New Mexico, and polls before he made RFK his running mate
City of the World's Desire | 2024 in an alternate world
Gustavo Era | What if the author of Ed Donnell and many other TLs was born in 1887 and became dictator of Brazil in 1930? (I'm sorry for the death threats)
Who are the most famous 'king of kings'?
City of the World's Desire | Latest presidential election in a fictional South American country
How outdated is Carlyle's History of Frederick the Great?
City of the World's Desire | More worldbuilding
City of the World's Desire | u/FakeElectionMaker has returned
Who, in history, has been the person, militarily, who just had an absolute sheer force of will, just unwavering confidence in theirselves and what did they achieve?
Is Indian history known in your countries like Chinese or Egyptian?