Thoughts on Player 566 after episode 8 on beast games?
The voice in your head is not you.
No matter how dark it gets, forever Pep Guardiola in. 💙
How Long Do You Wait to Ride Again After an Injury?
I ran into this gargantuan Northern Flicker this morning. It looked to be about as large as a Kingfisher!
Which Oasis song am I listening to?
Clicking noise only when handlebars are straight?
Cycling Age & Mileage
For All Cyclists! Can Cycling Help Build Muscular Legs?
i hope she comes back
Tricks to control after-ride appetite?
Name your dream cycling destination
What is your 2025 cycling goal?
How much does your weight fluctuate during the year?
Stop trying to "fix" yourself
How do you deal with cars? Scared to get ran by a car
How do you train indoors?
i feel devastated
My Mind is Attacking Me
Better idea than War of the Rohirrim?
Did you find that your wound developmental wound was your greatest gift?
Oh, So I'm a "Climber"?
Would you consider Sauron a coward?
I realized today how positive and upbeat most of oasis’s songs are. It’s a nice contrast to a-lot of the depressing stuff out there. I always am in a better mood after listening to them.
I’m in! My favorite shots from this year.