Don’t want the cat to think rules aren’t being enforced anymore!
How to get Roblox account banned?
Seriously, can one GR pizza place PLEASE sell NYC style pie!?!
Passing that 'one' car can save you 10 minutes!
Why are these searches in my “you may like”?!?!?! I’m Straight 😭😭I don’t wanna see femboys 😂😭😭💀
Me and my gf had unprotected sex, is it possible that my girlfriend is pregnant even if she had just her menstruation?
touchless car washes?
96 west by Alpine
Just some photos of me being on one 😌🥰
How do you deal with road rage at other drivers burning your eyes with LED headlights when driving home from work?
Something about tweaking and being a keyboard warrior
Does it get any better?
Cool little icebergs in Charlevoix yesterday
6 hours left of my 12 hour shift. Who else working tonight?
"Buy Canadian Instead" signs going up in BC Liquor stores
Think this guy smokes? Probably
Can i use meth for exercise?
The speed limit on the interstate (usa) should be 100mph+
Tell me you know nothing about firearms....
What Beaverton businesses/restaurants are MAGA supporters/donators?
I am possibly the best meth smoker alive today
No benzos just trazadone for comedown
Dunno if I can ask this, but can some one help me get a life time ban from r/cocaine?
Been sober since October bc of probation drug testing but its all I think about, would getting on addy help?