Let's try the one with a Ferrari in Singapore, that migth be better
Iskolás gépek avé
Guys... is he washed?
Good night's sleep? Never heard of it
So my fav followers are enemies ..how can i make them friends again (they were friends but once they got drunknand fight💀)
I never thought I'd see the day
A bit late with this one. Just like the stewards were with the penalties.
"Everything looks good on our part"
I got scared for a second. I guess he's just angry
Just you know, who’s got the biggest 🍆
She need fireman
The madman did it again
Érettségiző Honfitársaim közül hányan kaptak ilyeneket? (Trianonról szóló könyvek, és "személyes" levél Orbán Viktortól, mint érettségi ajándék)
History repeats itself or something like that
He HA(A)S to learn that damn gentleman's rule
Horthy? Szálasi? Never heard of them
Who could've seen that coming?
Abu Dhabi just got a new rival
In this scene Bobo HorseJack points to the wrong corner because he is a fucking idiot
Jegyezzétek meg, kell majd a doliba : )
okbuddymula 1
És még Balogh Tamás is befigyel.
In Soul (2020), among the various celebrities/historical figures that are named on the “Hello my name is” stickers, Joe Ranft, a late Pixar animator, screenwriter and voice actor is also listed.
SLPT: Wanting attention and the gun cell phone case doesn’t fit your style? Here’s a case for you!