Are the scoops that come with powder accurate?
Walmart Might Be Vexing Y’all
Is it better to reject a bad offer or let it time out?
How does lying about wait times help anyone?
Would you take this?
Stupid tax question
Shop and pay base pay scam
Why would you come all this way to do favor?
no tip customers
The fact that there are people out there right now taking 2-3 dollar orders going either 2-3miles or more. Will never not BLOW MY F'ing MIND.
Texas is the wild wild West, people don't believe in turn signals.
Finally had a good day yesterday. Made $97 in two hours before this one guy i always see shows up and then i stopped getting orders. I got all on mine back to back to back no wait time and then all of a sudden nothing. Very frustrating
"Diamond Shopper" took a photo, set item as "delivered" in the app, uploaded the photo, then walked out with the package lol
did my dasher just get arrested? lol
What do these plugs tell you about how my car runs?
What should i get done first?
what kind of person am I dating?!
I hate UE drivers they are the worst incapable of even rudimentary instruction if my daughter dated on I would disown her.
How do I fix this?
Ever done this? 😁
How’s everyone’s Friday going?
shopper had ~4yo and ~9yo children delivering groceries to my second floor apartment
I’d say this was handled right, right?