Aegon reborn yay🤣🤣
Which is the movie that brings back nostalgia for you?
Am I the only one who thinks this is an amazing marriage match?
What was the point of Jon snow “targaeryn” lineage story?
Everyone hating on Gendry/Arya scene but this is what actually was painful to watch
"A Jon and dany romance would be rushed, there is no time to create a romance In the last two books"
Danaerys was evil from the beginning and thats a hill to die on
If they ever decide to adapt asoiaf again..
Crazy how this photoshoot had better chemistry than the entirety of S7&8
Yeah Jon, sure
Did she burn down KL because she wasn’t getting laid?
Why she didn’t burn Cersei right away? Is she stupіd?
Nothing to worry about
Name a movie that is considered bad but has a lot of great actors in it
GOT fans don't read, the love the show. WoW does not matter to them.
Liam Cunningham and Peter Vaughan delivered an amazing performance in these scenes. The emotions are just so raw and real.
Rewatching Season 3
Hate him or not but for me he's one of the characters in game thrones
Little girl who can't count to 20 once thought...
Only 16 minutes of screentime, but man we still missed him.
Young Tywin and Joanna Lannister
If you found out she’s your aunt would you keep plowing her or you’re stupid?
Do you agree or disagree?
Just wanna share my love for Damon and Elena . The ship that made TVD famous ¯\_(ツ)_/¯