Who is your least favorite character out of the main 6 and why??
Is anyone else annoyed by every moment of Jason?
[Discussion] i hate jason. am i alone in this?
Amnesty Revoked By 1SG?
Has an SSRI helped you with some of the anxious and depressive symptoms?
I wish I could warn 20 y/o me.
Mildly warm take: the Specialist rank should be named something else
I came home from work to find this... my nerite snail climbed out of the tank, and onto the top of the light. Wtf?
My plants came with a stowaway (I think(
Pregnant blue shrimp has pink baby
I know quite a few Trump voters. Non of them are saying they regret it. I’m wondering if most of these posts are fake.
DOD the next planned DOGE target
# One Year of Sciatica: What Actually Worked (Cut My Pain by 80%)
I saw this and thought it should be shared
Am I tipping enough?
What happens if you're a tourist visiting the US and just don't tip anywhere you go?
Which jacket is the LTG wearing?
Why my shrimp like this?
Who actually wanted a deployment to Afghanistan that didn’t get to go.
Activities after a lumbar laminectomy
One not like the others?
Weird growth on aquarium wood? Help!
Laminectomy recovery
How much do you guys feed?
Positive Recovery Update: failed back surgery and a year and a half of hell