How did David inevitably end up ruining this seemingly promising relationship opportunity? Propose on the 2nd date? Slag off her Thai cooking? Brought the guitar out?
Hackney, 1990 footage
What do you think the chances of getting an Alex Turner solo album are?
Anybody reheated a Bayne's steak bake in an air fryer??
Have you ever convinced yourself you knew someone who may or may not have even existed?
What songs do you think won’t be played at Fire Aid?
Recorded a podcast with Ross of The Mardous last night and he produced this set list he'd saved from when they supported them back in 2005. We got any ideas who could've written this?
"Will Arctic Monkeys release a new album in 2025?" (Article)
why do they have a celtic and a rangers top in the same pub in arbroath, are they stupid?
What are you snacking on?
Tis the season and all that.
We were lied to about the UK situation. RR knew in 2023 he couldn’t enter. It was probably all a PR stunt
Spotted at a Tesco in Dundee - IS ALAN OK?!
Barney’s performance tonight
I'm having a baby REALLY soon and we don't have a name ready. What's the funniest possible name I could throw into the mix?
Is there an arctic monkeys song that everyone adores but you CANNOT get into? (Popular in media or fandom)
What's the most "British" thing you've ever done/said?
What’s the most cringe Arctic Monkeys moment ever. Can this be beaten?
Let’s have a look at what this idiot did….. in America!!
Whatever People Say 20th Anniversary Tour in 2026?
Aaaarrrggghhh……. Duck pate….
Where can I catch them play?
have you ever had appendicitis and what did it feel like at the start?
Great little tapas bar there..