Chronic pain management (no private cover)
The new trains suck.
Gastro with a bad back - whole new world.
Unnecessary discectomy?
Anybody with degenerative disc disease at a young age?
This appeared in Dalkeith overnight.
If it feels like Perth summers are getting hotter recently, you're right....
What are your daily non-negotiable exercises and why?
WhatsApp not showing images when people upload them in groups.
I think I'm experiencing Incomplete cauda equina
Mexico refuses to accept a U.S. deportation flight
Is new Smart Freeway on Mitchell Freeway too confusing or are Perth drivers’ poor merging abilities to blame?
Can I come live with you guys? My country went permanently insane.
My patience has ended.
Anyway to "get used" to neighbours partying/loud backyard screaming into the early AM?
Best Joystick MSFS2020
Hobbies when you have back pain
Safety in your own home
Timer on Home Screen
Do Australians hate doing laundry
How do you maintain a PT routine when in so much pain?!
How quickly did you progress?
PT - how do you all do it?
It feels insane that iOS has gone so long without letting you learn or ignore spell check errors
For the love of god, if you can plant trees then please plant them!