Anyone lose a friend, and then decide you didn't want to try and get them back?
Any tips on how to mourn the loss of friendships gracefully?
I lost my (only) friend to online conspiracy theories and the world of incel influencers.
It didn't mean what I thought it did.
Grieving a live person
Do you think that your ex will REGRET leaving you?
has anyone written a goodbye letter to a lifelong friend?
People With A.D.H.D. Are Likely to Die Significantly Earlier Than Their Peers, Study Finds
Why You Should Absolutely, Definitely, 100% NOT Contact Your Ex on Their Birthday, Christmas, or New Year!!!
8 months later…
Breakup, now alone in a foreign country
Stop doing this, it’s delaying your healing
Superstitious in love
Watching you fall out of love with me
Sometimes, thinking they will come back can motivate you
Wish I had done it right
You changed the way I looked at the world
Please don’t be mad at me.
What are the first steps to take after heartbreak?
How do I stop thinking about my ex being intimate with other people?
This sub is basically a place for Anxious attachment people who were dumped by Avoidants
If you did all you could and it didn't work out : read this
Cancer Sun with Venus in you want to be in a relationship or not?
Shall I wait?