Day 3 of trying to get a comment from every city/town/village (couldn't get to the last few comments sorry)
cursed_wifi router
Make this comment section Dale’s search history
Creating flags for every country with every hoi4 ideology (Most liked comment will decide which country will be posted tomorrow)
Redditors be like: Can I get a comment from every address 🧐
day 7 of creating an empire for the top comment, today's country is Liechtenstein!
How did this happen?
What’s your favorite song featured in TWD?
How would Shane interact with Negan and saviours if he was still alive?
Flag of Sweden, if Jesus died watching 1984
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 5 Heroes of StarCraft mini-set codes!
An alternative to the concede button?
Just completed my byzantium world conquest run
Blursed Horseman of Apocalypse
Blursed Bill Cipher
Blursed WW2 Operation
Blursed russian police car
Guys jerusalem apeared in east timor.
There's only one thing a Druid is meant to do
Flag of Russia if Rainbow Stalin took over