Who is the lady in the middle and why does Chalene hate her so much?
Can someone please check on Sue?
No questions about CampBeMore 😅
These two are absolutely insufferable
Is it just me, or do Chalene and Dr. Macayla have the same six-pack?
I'm more offended by her outfit than I am by those words 🤭
Who is this woman, and why is she wearing so many clothes?
Something else that bothers me about Bret...
Now we know the REAL reason Chalene takes testosterone
Her next Patreon "deep dive" = the Bodi saga
Now we know why Bret wears so much black
Wait, what happened to PUSH?
Chalene asked Bret for his affiliate link because literally no one else would ask or care..
What a joke!
Hi Bret!
Who is going to tell Bret?
Perhaps TMI, but I’d have to be drunk to the point of incoherence to have “sexy time” with Bret. Between that dirty gray beard, neck tats, and George Washington plastic choppers… it would take a LOT.
Anyone else noted how Chalene is wearing all black most of the time now? And less of the bright colored, super short dresses? I wonder what’s up with that?
They are trying really hard to make fetch (Boyish Beauty) happen
A rare Chalene praise post
Is she driving while live streaming?