IsItBullshit: Online dating used to be better years ago compared to now
Does NoFap itself help build muscle?
Drop some of your most unpopular Lupin III opinions
What is the craziest urge you have ever felt from NoFap/SR?
If you feel discouraged read this very short message
What's the best video game you ever played stoned?
Hardest gangster rap song ever?
Which Street Fighter Boss do you think was the most challenging you ever faced so far?
Do you guys believe that there's people in society trying to emasculate males through our everyday activities such as hygiene products or what we eat/drink as two examples?
Are there murders that are not recorded in Sacramento because of the unincorporated areas nearby?
Boneless wings are as good as bone-in wings
How do you compare visuals and trips from deep meditation fully sober with psychadelics
How high does Friendly drops tincture make you when you drop it on your favorite food or drink when compared to other tinctures or edibles?
What happend to Lee?
Do you guys believe that the Howe Park area has gotten worse over the years?
How effective is CBD treating psychosis or schizophrenia from your personal experience?
To anybody taking medicine that is known for weight gain, how healthy is your diet?
Today's weed should have more CBD to even out anxiety and paranoia
Have you guys gained alot of weight on Invega and if so how much?
What i saw today
ELI5: How much estrogen is actually in our foods and whether it is enough to negatively affect us.
What’s something nobody in the 80s has ever said?
Which celebrity does NoFap that you didn't expect to support NoFap?
What would be your response if your child says "Dad, I'm gay."?
What's your favorite Video game of all time?