Curious about second hand purchasers
How to curl doll hair?
This child isn’t even a month old??? Are they already planning on traveling out of the country with him this soon???
Has Anyone Recently Gotten a Head Replacement for Sonali at the AG Doll Hospital?
What in the Josie Balka
American Girl "My First" Plush Dolls $50 USD
Being an Addy collector is not for the faint of heart.
So you bought an expensive car seat to only be used a few times?
Kits Summer Play Dress
aren’t they like 25 lol
Who is your favorite and least favorite of the Beforever as well post Beforever dolls and why?
Who is you favorite and least favorite of the original Peasant Company girls. And why?
I did the unthinkable
Dahl Taylor illustrations of the Addy books, with the pink dress vs the blue dress
Shopping with baby?!?
The twins in stock videos
Can anyone tell me her name? Please and thank-you!
Who’s your favorite girl of the year? Here’s my top three.
Noah "Puck" Puckerman. I don't remember how Puck got into Glee and became one of his members. I remember he hates Leah and farts when Mr. Schuester asks him to sing.
Welliewisher for almost 7yo?
Happy #dresslikeanAGday from me and my mini-me, Matilda!
Samantha or JLY 13?
Show me your best out of context doll pictures that only other collectors would understand. I'll start:
What face mold for Daphne Custom?
Some love for the red-heads