Ability cast bug
Does anyone know what TOWN this is in, somewhere in Bulgaria along the Danube?
Make Grux perky again!!
V1.3.2 Patch Notes | Predecessor | Kingpin Lt. Belica | Balancing Changes
Lt Belica Kingpin splash art, 4k and widescreen. Enjoy!
I guess the dekker skin sold well
Why surrender
Predecessor Tier List Under 10 Min
Should I update to 3.0?
Who should I get next?
Minimap bug
V1.3. Patch Notes | Predecessor | New Hero: Mourn, Dynasty Skins, New Items & More! 🌲
It’s a shame, former Paragon players don’t know Predecessor exists.
Shinbi counters?
If you change the perspective of the symbol. It looks oddly familiar
80 New Items! What This Could Be!?
Honestly if you are like this just uninstall
Crazy matchmaking in unranked
When will ranked be 24/7?
A quick PSA for everyone too happy for the new Dekker skin…
V1.2.2 is live!
New Dekker Skin Coming in the Next Update!!!
God how I miss this
So what do we know about the dog?