I'm Out
new thing on OSRS wiki: completion percentage for collection log items
QOL: Let us deposit equipped emote clue equipment directly to STASH, without having to unequip them
WTF is DOGE Doing in Department in Charge of Nuclear Weapons?
Got the adamant longest sword from TOA, this better than the fang here?
across the spiderverse is the best movie ever
Could Donald Trump be impeached and removed from office? There are already betting odds on it
The Pegasian problem
[Suggestion] Can we get a "Charlie STASH" that costs 5k of each potential item, to stop the endless fetching?
Voting no to the proposed delve boss rewards
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Democrat Ilhan Omar Issues Stark Warning About Trump: 'This Is What The Start Of Dictatorship Looks Like'
Need New Early Game Content
My most spooned log by far:
Took a while, but I managed to get it🫡
Things Are About to Get Much Worse – Please Be Ready
Parkland shooting survivor and gun-control activist David Hogg becomes DNC vice chair
Inferno cape!@!!
"You're gonna EARN these rewards" -Farmer Gricoller (probably)
It's nothing special but I still couldn't believe it when I got it.
David Hogg wins election as vice chair of DNC
Learning TOA 150's. Struggling to get thread. Running out of motivation
We need a frog boss
I'm just gonna say it