When did this board get all pretentious? I'm not saying today wasn't bad, but Reddit has been acting all 1% about fighting, rivalries, and what has always happened during good playoff hockey.
If you are in Dan Bylsma's shoes...
Thinking about joining the navy and serving on a fast attack sub like my father.
Why do Penguins fans hate Jágr so much?
Pittsburgh's Hidden Gems
After hearing all this bias on which military branch to join, I need help deciding.
Can we get these "fans" off the bandwagon?
After talking to Microsoft Customer Support...
Looks like you lose.
So this tired old picture keeps popping up on my Facebook wall. Does anyone actually know the story behind this guy, because he's done irreparable damage to the Army.
if this is the one that does it then i have no faith in reddit
Will someone find the SEALS for me. If they are actually in there.
Serves her right!
So this just happened...
SEAL Nutrition?
Deciding whether or not to call off work
Don't you hate it when people do this?
How well/much does the US Navy and the Royal Navy work together?
College Senior [Update]
Private First Class Bradley Manning Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
Navy Smoke Decks
Going to Pittsburgh For Bachelor Party - Need Ideas
One of our US Congressman's office does not seem to understand satire
Is it just me or do Pittsburgh cab services suck?