Is there any Virtual OS/Virutal Browser using React, CSS (SCSS), and JavaScript that doesn't have "Refused To Connect" errors?
It's about time we finally revive "JoJo's Weird Quest" (4Kids JoJo)?
They're extremely pissed that Indians/Hindus are taking all the jobs, aren't they?...
Is there any OS on the web using React, CSS (SCSS), and JavaScript that doesn't have "Refused To Connect" errors?
"Sporting Salt": Shonen Jump's worst Sports manga ever?... (Part 1)
"Sporting Salt": Shonen Jump's worst Sports manga ever?... (Part 2)
Otonoke: Google Translate Edition
If "Steel Ball Run" switched from Shonen Jump to Young Jump or Super Jump/Grand Jump (Instead of Ultra Jump)...
AmericanMan's Xitter account got geoblocked in the EU for this BTW
They're extremely pissed that Elon Musk dared to betray 'Le Aryan Master Race' in favor of siding with Indians/Hindus, aren't they?...
Not digging the Kamen Rider Gaim 10th Anniversary special TBH...
What would the g1 equivalent of the Armada main cast be? Whether it be names, personalities, etc.
What about the other two Korean generations?
How dangerous Icy Roads are (According to Alt-Right/Far-Right anti-intellectuals)
New Stonetoss clone came to town, and His name is AmericaMan.
(Mecard) A vision of what could of been...
Can anybody please make a browser-port of "An RPG with Too Many Spoilers 2: My Best Friend's true form is the Great Demon King (ネタバレが激しすぎるRPG2―親友の真の姿は大魔王―)"?
Disgracing a Tuskegee Airman by comparing his race to primates, absolutely disgusting. (BTW Klandma just discovered Hailuo AI)