Is there a good place to find 7.35mm calvary carbine, that isn't RTI?
I was wondering what you guys would think of adding armored cars to the game
The snail God rewarded me with a gold order for all the blood spilled, now what will I get.
And what about it?
Every Damn Time
Just Found Local
SKS-30 Event gun, toughts?
My newer maus
The Most hated GameMode(feedback)
A weapon turn in Denmark and cool shit found in an attic in Poland
Austria is the best, hands down
It's current day, and your at a police Impound auction because you need a new car. Your budget is $3000, what do you pick?
I am in possession of the Grax (Gras axe)
I inherited this rifle. Is it common or rare? Anything special?
What do you guys think of my first tank?
Ke-Ni with 155mm Howitzer
Stock ID
What is this?
Object 292
Why are these all priced so high? What so special about these when i can get another one in a little worse condition for $400
what mauser rifle is this specifically?
My great grandfather (far left, standing). What can you tell me from this pic?
So if you haven't heard Russia has their hands on a M1A1 Abrams so i was thinking when could warthunder add the M1A1 to the Russian tec tree !NO POLITICS JUST ASKING!