Anyone read any R. F. Kuang?
post your Ls today
Australian Literature
What movie did you have an obsession with growing up?
McCarthy on big novels. Thoughts?
French movie recommendations
Who are your favorite saints?
recs for reading w teenage sister
Authors who were loyal to their family?
Has anyone here read the six Chinese classics?
Please recommend a good non-fiction book about a relatively obscure topic
What do you guys do for work?
just realized that besides Kafka (who doesn't count obviously) I'm completely unfamiliar with German literature. any recommendations?
My Favorites from this year
has this placed devolved so much that we're now just posting 4chan /lit/ charts? really???
Best book(s) you read this year?
favourite words
Young James Franco
Professions that should be fat
do you read one or several books at a time?
Any movies exploring themes of masculinity and the challenges associated with it?
I like Douglas Sirk, Peter Strickland & Anna Biller. Any recs?
Anybody got a comfort movie they watch a lot
just deserts
Anyone read Cinema Speculation by QT