Ever had the chance to fuck a pretty trans boy?
Does next day grogginess get better?
Board Games between $75-100
Please help
The Fair emailed me back about their mask policy
How long can I keep this in the fridge?
I only love my girlfriend because of the sex.
Recently moved here. What are the best restaurants I should try this summer? I don’t eat meat if that helps, seafood I do eat
I'll never be a women
Looking to start a dining club in Minneapolis (20-30s age group)
Fired from a job that made me suicidal — family is devestated
I'm progressive and in tech and this was still too much...
‘She needs some rest’: Fans express concern as Taylor Swift coughs through Singapore show
My boyfriend (M21) wants me (F23) to abort and says I'm baby trapping him.
I (25F) have a bf (24M) that says mom bodies aren’t attractive
The amount of people I see who defend Taylor Swift to the death is sickening.
My BF Doesn’t Pleasure Me
Places for goths to hang out?
Unhappy with results
Help I am scared of what I have done
Found out I have HIV and I think I've finally been pushed to suicide
I canceled as soon as I saw the note
My Boyfriend Did The Nicest Thing For Me and I'm Crying
This is how I’m currently dealing with my breakup.
My best friend horny called me and my fiancée answered