Partea "intunecata" a emigrarii in alta tara?
A big chunk of Europe is currently protesting against corruption, fascism, and more. If Americans are so upset about what’s happening in their country, why don’t they take to the streets and protest?
More photos from last night. Citizens and Students from Novi Sad welcoming Belgrade Students after their 2-day/80km march.
Posibil să devin tată la 50 de ani, după pierderea copilului acum 6 ani, situație dificilă
I have no words 💀
A government school's acting headmaster in Bago Region had raped 48 students
A map of European far-right invitees to Trump's inauguration
Which country has the friendliest people you’ve met?
38m, 2BR, Munich - I was encouraged on another sub to post here, be kind. 😅
Broke up with my best friend of 20 years, and I truly feel like a weight has lifted from my chest
In Australia we say ‘it’s pissing down’ when it’s raining very heavily, what do people in other parts of the world say?
Cum pot unii crede asa ceva si de unde văd toate prostiile astea ?
Mai avem indoieli privind scopul renumararii total abuzive si netransparente?
Banner during a solidarity Demonstration with Ukraine in Syria, 2014
Experienta neplacuta Glovo - 800 de lei pierduti
When Romania Forced Women to Have Children
Voi ce va luati de Black friday?
Yangon ranked 3rd? That can't be right even American cities even have open street robberies and looting. We don't have those not even on Bangkok's scale.
Average faces of women around the world
South Africa e-visa
A lot of travelers complain that places don't live up to expectations. What is a country that lived up to ALL of your expectations?
What career can I switch from dietitian to…
Programa de Bacalaureat promovează o imagine deformată a femeilor, cu „stereotipuri de gen care nu mai corespund valorilor contemporane”, susțin 97% dintre elevii participanți la un sondaj făcut de o liceană / Aceștia cer introducerea mai multor opere scrise de femei
Suntem o societate corupta moral la toate nivelurile
good ol’ grape