Iron Cross on Liberty Moving Truck
What’s the best baked good you’ve had in Portland? Looking for some recommendations
Good mechanics in the Portland area?
Big turnout at Anthony’s today
Where is this but in Portland?
Where is this but in Denver?
Superflex: stick with Geno Smith or roll dice on Penix?
Who is the worst player you’re starting this week?
The “End of Season Which Players Are On Your Draft List Next Year” list
0% Luck
On a roll. Am I ready to repeat my title from last year?
Trade I should take?
Official: [Fix My Team] - Mon Morning 10/07/2024
Cribbage Terminology
Official: [WDIS Flex] - Sun Morning 09/29/2024
What once was old, is new again.
What at-home charging set-up should I get?
Do you wave? 👋
I clean houses occasionally and I can't tell you how many of these messages I recieve
Reverse seared double cut pork chops
How's Popham Beach doing?
Help upgrade my setup - which component needs an upgrade most?
Pickens Jersey Trade
Asking for thoughts on where to upgrade.
The Franklin / Marginal Way / 295 Intersection Needs a Roundabout
This may be considered an unpopular opinion but, Whoopie Pies made with shortening are gross. Cream cheese or butter is best.