How much I would HYPOTHETICALLY accept coke from groups cosplaying these characters (based on slide 2)
What’s a film that’s a decent execution of a terrible idea?
What's the "Tame Impala is just one guy" wannabe fun-fact in your fanbase?
The cast of Christopher Nolan's "The Odyssey."
I ranked my top ‘50’ albums of all time, choose a number between 1-50 and see what record you get!
i will take a plier to my toes before i ever download some shit like "royal match" or "family island"
Thoughts on this years grammy winners? Deserved? Why or why not?
Which albums are NOT the left turns people make them out to be?
Based on another post I saw here
there was literally one left
what song should i add next?
i had to go through the pain of deleting every single artwork i’ve made when i was a child, it was THAT bad
Average stick user moment
Weezer rule
[Hated Designs] Hanako Ohtani from Persona 4. Probably one of the most mean-spirited character designs I've ever seen.
Usopp is fine actually, and most of the community is unwilling to actually engage with his character. (One Piece)
What did everyone get?
Post some short reviews that aren't just jokes but actually say something insightful about the film
DJ Akademiks exposed for grooming 15-year-old minor | The Express Tribune
Not Like Us hits #8 in Australia’s Triple J’s Hottest 100.
I didn’t knew Ohba added himself in Death Note
What’s the point of doing this
My racist elf can't be this cute
Jarvis, I'm low on karma, post this meta meme.