Do you think war criminals should be removed from the Yasukuni Shrine?
Was child marriage common during Muhammad's time in middle east?
Who wants to be saved from hell vs sin?
16 and Married - Confessions of a Child Bride
지진해일' 우려 큰데도 대피소 안내 허술 (2024.08.21/뉴스데스크/MBC강원영동)
Were there many resistance movements after Japan annexed Okinawa?
Are there any out-of-province law school students here?
오늘 나는 한국이 26 지진해일 특보구역있다는 것을 배웠다
Why wasn’t imperial Japan considered as bad as nazi germany?
일본에서 발생한 세타가야 일가 살인 사건에 대해 들어본 적 있나요? 제가 마지막으로 들은 바로는, 많은 이론이 범인이 한국인일 것이라고 믿고 있습니다
제주도 사람들은 자신을 한국인이라고 생각하나요?
During ww2, did many Southeast Asians welcome the Japanese army as liberators initially?
Why if the philippines and japan formed a personal union after ww2?
IS east asian values more similiar to Canadian conservative/right wing values?
Do you support birthright citizenship in Canada?
Do you like the "one generation rule" that was brought up by the previous harper government?
How would you feel about Trump issuing an executive order to circumvent the 14th Amendment and curtail or just fully end birthright citizenship?
MEGATHREAD: The First 48 Hours of Trump
Do you agree with trump’s order all federal employees to go back office full time?
Why do so many communist embrace evolution while these two seem to be contradictive?
DISCUSSION: Would you support Guam becoming the 51st State?
Could a massive wildfire devastate Metro Vancouver similar to Los Angeles?
Why aren't there car ferries from Japan's mainland to Ogasawara ISland?
Do people live on Izu and Ogasawara islands feel like they live in Tokyo?