Spent many dozens of hours transferring 1000s of players. Yesterday in a 15h editsession I accidentally pushed △ (reset) and left the Editor-mode - am I cooked?
Courtois waiting for Rudiger to finish praying 🤍
Lloyd Kelly joins Juventus
Calvin Robinson, a euro far right priest, finished his remarks by throwing a "Nazi Style" salute, to a cheering crowd. Imitating ELON MUSK saying; "MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU"
Cursed_job interview
Why didn't Juve draw for the 14th time? Are they stupid??!1!
Day 3 : Ciro Ferrara wins the votes largely !! (57) front Delneri (20),Ancelotti (7),Maifredi (5),Pirlo (2) Which manager started good but ended badly?
Day 2 : Zaccheroni wins the votes ! Which manager started ok and ended badly ?
Just a reminder of who we are
No caption needed...
A great job interview!
NRW richtet Meldestelle gegen Muslimfeindlichkeit ein
What's up with this new banner?
To the horror of millions of Muslims around the world The Kaaba is stolen by an Enderman circa (2014)
15 Moroccan boys gang-rape rabid donkey
Nico Gonzalèz fantastic goal
black myth wukong o elden ring soe?
Muslime an Schulen: Ist dein Pausenbrot halal?
Sebastian hätte jetzt noch die Chance etwas extrem kantiges zu machen
Ciri 2024 vs Ciri 2017
Gänsehaut: Trailer Witcher 4
Verlieren wir bald Sachsen?
A friendly reminder. Attractive characters doesn't mean it's porn.
Remind me, when exactly did people decide that a cinematic trailer reflects how characters will look in-game?