Former school teacher turns to prostitution to avenge her father
I’m a pretty patient person
My mother and my step-dad talked excitedly about how they are going to do DNA heritage testing to track their family trees.
Recently orphaned gig worker with a concussion finds himself at odds with a squad of armed rapists…
The way the meaning of words change can be very confusing, because not forty years ago, if a big shaven headed man came up to you, and said he was going to top you, it meant he was going to kill you.
Kid moves to new town, bullied on the beach, and loses his girl. Trained by older guy (including in a rowboat) to enter martial arts competitions.
What character you think would survive and thrive in the crossed universe.
The book is a horror book, about a group of UK teenagers who go on a fairground haunted house ride, and get taken into a demonic realm
I’m trying to track down a horror compendium book I read in the 90s, and I can remember two stories from it.
Girl goes to college and gets told she’s special but it turns out her twin sister is special. Then everyone tries to kill her twin sister.
My rebellious teenage daughter refused to listen to me when I told her how to use our safe room, and told me she doesn’t care
Pickpocketing won’t make you rich, but you can make a decent living from drunk tourists in the resorts.
March 2025 - Story Suggestion Megathread
Seeing the road ahead of me was very narrow, the cyclist in front of me pulled out to stop me passing him.
Man and his friends and family go after colonizers with bats.
Guy searches for himself for years, by the end he realizes that his agency is very susceptible to Russian spies.
Some girls hate a straight hunk who wears a thong and rocks it
What world war II common misconception do you keep hearing that you find annoying?
A man is tied, beaten and threatened because he revealed a secret in a hotel
A bunch of whiny baby loser trolls complain that a game isn't being played the right way and instigate idiotic fights, but it's not r/ExplainAFilmPlotBadly
My dad died (UK). The executer says I don't need to see the will.
Why Didn't Slave Owners Pivot When The Writing Was On The Wall?
“I’m sorry, but as a socialist I cannot work with a centrist liberal such as you, as in my opinion, you are as bad as the far right”
The men ripped the young woman’s clothes off, and forced her legs apart.
People in relationships nowadays have no common sense and cannot communicate properly