Sedation with Versed and fentanyl - should I cancel?
I'm worried that I don't have enough "planned" or that I'm going to get in trouble winging it too much.
Cancelling Vacation? Are we crazy?
Is Fukui Dinosaur Musuem worth a day trip from Kyoto?
Linen sheets or cotton sheets?
Dear Americans. You will NEVER be forgiven.
What is your “it’s time to go?” signal
Would you care to join me in a US General Boycott?
CANADIANS: How can we best prep for debilitating 25%+ tariffs?
Eggs Substitutions for Baking & Cooking
What should we be stocking up on, now that there is a chance he will sign his idiotic tariffs on Feb 1?
Anyone else get stressed out by the aspire credits?
Do most women just extreme diet to get thin and never talk about it?
Iberia operated by Level
Are any of you married to men with ADHD?
Why do you need to see the doctor?
How is your spending going?
Nintendo Museum Kyoto lottery advice? (and planning for USJ and TDR)
Trump orders freeze on federal grants, loans. Will this affect SNAP?
"Deep pantry" vs reserves you never touch
Pre tariff Costco run this weekend.
Do San Franciscans typically remove their shoes when visiting other people's homes?
Wife doesn’t want to use luggage delivery service for short 2-4 night stays in a few cities, are her concerns appropriate?
What’s the big deal about passing probation?