GIVEAWAY: Paracord Knife | Boreal Forest (FT) - Just comment your CS hours to enter!
Most anticipated champion?
How are my cosmic eclipse pulls?
Found grail in the wild
Walked into a record store on a whim…
Is this pen worth anything?
Found this in an antique store, Parker vintage fountain pen set, any more info?
Consensus on car needed
Why this damn thing so hard??!! Any tips??
Happy gift event![MEGATHREAD]
Any trade?
Skin trade
Help me get mai please, last day
let's swap need me kaizer epic sirs
Help partners Project event
Skin swap?
Please fix ur game
[FO4] Report: Fallout London's Delay, And The Move To GOG
Akali is currently at one of her strongest states in quite a while. Why aren't pros picking her?
[US, US] [H] Some cards for trade/sale, Personal Collection [W] PayPal, Wantlist
[US,US] [H] Entire Ungraded Collection [W] Paypal
[US, US] [H] Sealed PC ETB’s, Sealed Eevee Heroes Gym Box, Sealed Tag Team GX All Stars BB (Jap), Gym Challenge/Gym Heroes/Team Rocket Singles, 151 Master set, Mew SIR, PSA 9 VG pika, other singles [W] PayPal, Trades
MISCUT TAUROS GX RR NEW INVENTORY WITH TEMPORAL FORCES [US,US] [H] Slabs/PC/Modern/Vintage/Sealed [W] Paypal, Sealed, consolidation trades
[US,US] [H] Rayquaza Vmax Alt, Other alt arts, Shiny Treasure CASE, Art Rares, Gold Stars, JP Trainers, LCRH Zard, More [W] Paypal, Possibly trades.
[US, US] [H] Temporal Forces singles [W] PayPal