Why are bride and groom toppers…
It's one of the most vilest descriptions of a child I've seen on that sub.
It's my old favorite - women become haggard and old when they have kids.
Having children ages women prematurely.
Comments suggest it's impossible for someone to regret never having children.
Met a childfree man who regrets it now he's 55
OP doesn't like that their breeder friend gets more likes on Facebook
I post about getting published and get 25 likes. My colleagues who have babies get 100+.
Where does this person grocery shop??
Why are families so insufferable in the supermarket?
"Learn how to steer your ejaculation trophy"..
We've been rumbled!
Yes yes you are heartless.
I've issues... but it's radom kids fault
Let's ban pregnant women!! OOP doesn't like them.
Oh look, t0fa has the energy to be entirely unhinged again, tonight.
Oh my god.. kids eating breakfast at a hotel.
The very idea of motherhood just disgusts me
I have sex.....
Edgelord alert. We got a badass over here.
I hate the idea that when someone is expecting a baby they also expect that everyone will care
Wake up, babe - this week's "women turn into old hags after giving birth" just dropped.
Shocked at how birth can age a mother
Why would women CHOOSE to have a life that they personally find fulfilling, even though it's literally none of my business.
Why Would a woman want children?
Again - your dog. Is not. A HUMAN.
If you can bring kids, why can’t I bring my dog?
Rant and unpopular/extreme opinion: parents who chose to be parents should get no advantages in life. And should quit complaining about consequences of a choice they willingly made.
Why do ZOOs not have no-kids days?
A breeder called the cops on me today.
Kid hate and applauding abuse in the comments
I just honestly hate
This is peak r/antinatalism subscriber
Childless people should be exempt from work and given free meals and a place to live
Last minute kids among my friends...