Canadian Engineers - Are ACEC Consulting Engineers Fee Guideline rates way out to lunch?
DeepSeek actually cost $1.6 billion USD, has 50k GPUs
Safe to say he loves snowy fetch
Why did Elijah need a signal booster? Do Canadian cell and ISP companies not offer voice over wi-fi?
Blood donation clinic moving to new southside location in April
How might the next Canadian election affect environmental jobs?
What are people thinking about the Marchand to Oilers trade rumours?
Will you buy more Canadian products and services?
US eliminating de minimus imports from Canada
Apple to Compensate Early Apple Watch Owners in Lawsuit Settlement
Do biologist jobs also prefer to hire those with environmental engineering degrees?
DBrand Cases - are they worth it?
Apega question for engineers
Vacuum recommendations
Which team would you like to see the Leafs play in the first round?
Nice try buddy
What if literally everything electronic was more expensive?
Is today the day the AI Bubble burst
Just had bloodwork done for his snip snip surgery
Dows switching utility companies decrease fees?
Less than 2% of today's Catholics (and less than 1% of SDAs and less than 1% of Orthodox) have personally finished reading all the Bible books, compared to 25% of Protestants
Sin of empathy?
Blackout in effect
St. Albert leaves newly voluntary Edmonton regional board
Epcor pricing