What’s a movie where the humor has just aged badly.
I added up the votes from yesterday's post where people voted for the 5 greatest comedies. Here are the top 70 comedies.
Help me love this band:)
Is there a storyline that humanise Red Skull and makes the character empathetic?
My top 9 Christmas movies. Any all time classics I’m missing and need to own?
Got this for christmas from my lovely wife!
What's wrong with "Just You and I"?
Frankenstein was released in theaters 93 years ago today. What is your favorite adaptation (direct or spiritual) of Mary Shelley's masterpiece?
How old are you without saying how old you are
Whats your favorite Arnold's Austrian accent moment?
Who would you put in the fourth spot?
What horror movie are you ashamed to admit scarred you as a kid?
Lonely Boy Art Garfunkel?
I did a thing. Wife comes home in a few hours, hope she likes my vinyl wall
Vad har hänt med min Kexchoklad? Smakar billig julkalenderschoklad.
The movie with the best plot twist ever?
Song lyrics that describe what’s happening in the movie
Tarkovsky films on youtube
This could've been a real turning point for the DCEU, but instead they let one man and his raging ego destroy everything that's been built for ten years
Anyone here into Troma Films?
Fatme, 48, är gift med sin kusin: ”Rasistiskt med förbud”
once in a while I do some exploring and I’m blown away. any similar recommendations
My friend’s vhs collection.
Your most disturbing films
I just watched Hell Comes to Frogtown. Amazing ‘80s sci-fi featuring They Live star Roddy Piper.