Watching all the spoons…
Got the adamant longest sword from TOA, this better than the fang here?
Varlamore: The Final Dawn Rewards - Blog Update
Unpopular opinion (maybe): I like motion blur in video games and I can’t play without
How many of us have played Mystical Ninja: the Legend of Goemon
I picked Tirannwn JUST Because I wanted to experience a "Hard Mode Hunllef." By the gods, they did NOT disappoint.
Painted Tz-Tok Jad from RuneScape board game
Araxxor Model ✅
can we repoll stackable clues....
Amazing figure (Momoko)
Petition to make araxxor fang's tradeable
What if you could trade 10 Araxxor heads for an Araxxor fang? Just a random thought. No particular motive.
Who did i forget to talk to for enabled drops?
Noxious Halberd - The gap filler we didnt know we needed.
Anyone have ideas on how to get a 1:00kc with a DHL?
Araxxor can melee itself during the enrage phase.
So many Mimics
2 down I'll be getting all 7
This drop rate ain't right...
Turns out I was the Tormented Demon this whole time
Got my first 1/4 scale, its so huge! Looks great for the price
I can’t figure out zammy door altar.
I guess that's my 3 weapons done
Second grandmaster quest in a row where the reward is the right to grind for a reward
Who cares about efficiency, what are some of the most fun things you've done or wish you did different?