To Kyle…
Legal battle over parking brewing among Oakmont businesses
Our new boy!
Some pictures I took from the Pittsburgh protests today.
Rochester, NY Art
Caught my wife listening to girl on girl audio porn. I love it. Best way to talk about it with her?
Mid 70s Dylan
Toyato Crown Platinum Real world gas mileage
Trying to find my footing jobwise - any advice? Previous educator with a BFA in Writing
Distance Running W/collies
Join me at the Capitol on Wednesday at noon! See you there!
love ittt
There are a lot of rumors, but has ICE actually gone to any school districts in PA?
What is this? She has a lot of them over her body. The doctor said they were due to age (she is 13). What you guys thinking? Should I maybe see someone else who would remove them? Let me know
Custom fit
Who's hiring
“Not Wedding” Venues
Ocean beach vacation for a couple and their dog
Actually good Chinese food
What is your go to vacation spot if you want to drive less than 5hrs?
Hairstylist recommdation
80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau/Holocaust Memorial Day
What’s a type of pain people underestimate until they experience it for themselves?